jé acheté ché vou une config grottacus. elle ne démare pa depui que jé oublier de réglé ma facture délectricité.
pourrié vou la remboursé en argent ou me léchangé contre une voiture de la marque twingo ?
cordia lement;
bernard marou
Bon là, c'est moi qui spamme notre nouveau stagiaire relation Clients.
02 février 2016 à 10:03
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment.Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately.
After the Board of director's meeting held in Abuja in conjunction with United Nations and G8 countries, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem. We have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT With Central Bank Of Nigeria, this is part of the mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contract payment and debt re-scheduling. And also the Nigerian Government is using this means to reward all the citizens of the United states and all part of Europe including Asia, Australia, South America, Canada, Antarctica e.t.c and all those who have lost their funds in either scam, or an uncompleted business, or otherwise, You should know that if you are interested to receive your ATM card which will be credited with $5,000,000.00 united states dollars before it is being sent to you direct to your doorstep through the FedEx courier service, you will have to respond to me with your full information’s, After your response you will be directed to the FedEx shipping courier representative
He will send you your ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money via ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, and the maximum daily limit is Fifteen Thousand United States dollars ($15,000.00) only. And also note that the Nigerian Government has taken care of the shipping fee of your ATM card, so if Mr. Edward is requesting for another shipping fee, you will have to report him to me immediately.
As soon as your ATM card is dispatched i will immediately send your withdrawal pin code to you because your Atm Card has already been activated.
If you like to receive your fund this way, kindly contact me with the following information’s below.
(1) Your Full Name
(2) Full residential address
(3) Phone and Fax Number
(4) Occupation.
(5) Personal Identification. Driver’s license or International Passport.
(6) Age
(7) Marital Status
(8) Sex
This message is supported by the Nigerian Government, United Nations(UN) and G8countries.Note that you might receive this message in your inbox or spam or junk folder depends on your web host or server network.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala
Minister, Federal Ministry of Finance
09 février 2016 à 09:57
Dear Sir / Madam,
Firstly we introduce this commission, Economic & Financial
Crimes Commission(EFCC), we fight cyber crime, Internet fraud, scams and
money laundering in Africa, America and London (United Kingdom) Our
commission has been in existence since 2004 and our duty is to stop Internet
We have over 7,500 of them in our jails around Africa, China,
Malaysia and UK and we are still looking for these internet fraudsters and
we are aware that a lot of foreigners have been deceived and huge amount of
money has also been lost to this fraudsters after promising you
percentages in their letters for you to help them move funds and they will
end up demanding money from you and in return you will get nothing.
The Leaders of the African and International Crime fighters has come
together to inform the world what is going on now and we have recovered
over$422 Million Dollars (Four Hundred and Twenty two Million Dollars) from
the people we have apprehended. The reason we are writing you this letter is
because your name was given to us by one of the fraudsters in our
detention room after serious investigation and our aim is to refund all
lost fund to its legitimate owner.
The Government has approved a total sum of Two Million Five
Hundred Thousand United states Dollars (US$2,500,000.00) only as the
compensation of the lost that you incurred as this was a smaller rate as
some suffered more while others suffered less and the idea is to restore you
back to the position tha! t you would have been if not that you were
In addition to this, your payment of Two Million Five
Hundred Thousand United states Dollars (US$2,500,000.00) only will be paid
to you in the next few days through the International ATM CARD which will be
issued in your favor.
All that you have to do right now is to contact the undersigned- UNITED
NIGERIA PLC.OFFICE ADDRESS:Marina Street,Lagos-Nigeria.
09 février 2016 à 09:58
Je suis étonné qu'ils n'aient pas un peu renouvelé ce scam
Ne serait ce que changer le message et mettre une somme qui peut faire douter l'idiot du village (5000$ plutôt que 5M quoi...)
Et là je percute que s'ils ne le changent pas, c'est qu'il fonctionne encore....fear!
09 février 2016 à 10:00
Le Cambodge... Vous croyez que c'est un Spam de Kaplan ?
From Mr.Chhun,
Courriel de Oknha Chhun : From Mr.Chhun,
Oknha Chhun -
I am Mr. Oknha Chhun,I apologize for contacting you in this manner but the
situation at hand demands urgent attention from all presumed
beneficiaries. A flurry of mergers and acquisitions is sweeping through
Southeast Asia's financial sector as leading banks and micro-finance
institutions (MFIs) prepare for the region's economic integration.
Our Local Bank (ANCO Specialized Bank) has been approached by a larger
bank for possible acquisition.
This development prompted me to embark on sole searching for relatives of
some deceased customers of our bank from your country or a foreigner who
could quickly put up a claim to a deceased estate(FUND) deposited with our
bank. With your cooperation, success is guaranteed.
I will use my position and influence in our bank to make sure they release
this estate(FUND) to you for us to share. If I wait for days and did not
hear from you, I shall look for another person.
Kindly get back to me for more details.
Oknha Chhun
Internal Audit Director
ANCO Specialized Bank
89-91A off Monivong Blvd
Phnom Penh,Cambodia
07 mars 2016 à 11:22
ils utilisent l'assurance maladie.. les connards, j'ai failli cliquer.. mais le CPAM qui veut te filer 156 euros... sérieux...
14 mars 2016 à 23:03
le niveau redescend...
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 04:24:36 +0200
Subject: Authentifiez-vous
Cher(e) utilisateur(s)
Nous avons détecté une activité inhabituelle sur votre compte. Pour des raisons de sécurité, veuillez confirmer votre compte Cliquez ici .
Nous vous remercions de votre confiance.
À très bientôt.
L'équipe Outlook !
19 avril 2016 à 09:33
Pas mal le coup vous nous devez de l'argent pour un peu plus de crédibilité, par contre le mail de l’expéditeur c'est toujours pas ça.
03 mai 2016 à 09:10
L’organisation Etat islamique a affirmé, lundi 25 juillet à travers son organe de communication Aamaq, que l’auteur de l’attentat-suicide à Ansbach était l’un de ses « soldats ». Il « répondait aux appels à prendre pour cible les Etats de la coalition qui combat l’Etat islamique » en Irak et en Syrie, ajoute le groupe.
25 juillet 2016 à 18:09
I, Liliane authenticate this email. You can read about me on:
I write to you because I intend to give to you a portion of my Net-worth which I have been banking. I want to cede it out as gift hoping it would be of help to you and others too.Respond for confirmation.
Write to me on:bettencourtliliane xxxxxxxxxxxxx @
With love
Liliane Bettencourt
Tout simplement.
05 août 2016 à 14:43
Lost in space
Sujet : demande d'assistance, strictement confidentiel
Je m'appelle Bakare Tunde et je suis le cousin de Abacha Tunde, un astronaute nigérian. Il est le premier Africain à être allé dans l'espace, lors d'un vol secret organisé vers la station Salyut 6 en 1979. Il prit part ensuite au vol (...) vers la station Salyut 8 en 1989, dans laquelle il échoua lorsque l'Union Soviétique fut dissoute. Ses collègues russes retournèrent sur Terre à bord de la navette Soyuz T-16Z, mais on lui piqua sa place lors du vol de retour. Quelques vols l'ont ravitaillé depuis. Il est de bonne humeur, mais aimerait bien rentrer chez lui.
Après 14 ans passés à bord de la station, il a accumulé 15 millions de dollars américains grâce à ses paies de pilote et aux intérêts bancaires. Si nous parvenons à mettre la main sur cette somme, nous pourrons organiser avec les autorités russes un vol de secours qui le ramènera sur Terre. On m'a dit que ça ne coûterait pas plus de trois millions de dollars. Pour accéder à son argent, nous avons besoin de vous.
24 août 2016 à 15:17
1989+14 = 2003 .. le début du spam surement
Dernière modification le 24/08/16 à 15:53 par Pisto
24 août 2016 à 15:52
I am Jimmy Ng, Managing Director and Head of Group Audit at DBS Bank of Singapor.I write to inform you about a foreigner bearing the same last name as yours, who died here in Singapore, over a decade ago leaving behind an estate/deposit here in Development Bank of Singapore.
However, the Investor died intestate, no next-of-kin,nobody came forward all these years to lay claim of the inheritance. I therefore solicit your partnership to secure the funds, and propose 30% offer for you.
If you are interested, you are advised to email me back and i will unveil more details to you for what needs to be done and how to commence the inheritance claim.
Best regards,
Jimmy Ng
Inception du spam, une arnaque dans l'arnaque.
28 novembre 2016 à 15:16
C'est le niveau du dessus.
A quand les emails ppour te proposer d'écrire des bots pour spammer les gens ?
28 novembre 2016 à 17:21
Shaylee Cristobal souhaiterait vous ajouter sur Skype

Je clic quand même hein? on sait jamais...
10 janvier 2017 à 09:57
url :
10 janvier 2017 à 12:03
Le remboursement de taxe en Livre.. sérieux?
You've just received an official notification from HM Revenue & Customs.
We have recalculate your last fiscal activity and we have determinated that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 265.84 GBP. If you want to claim it online , please complete the required form with your personal information in order for HMRC to verify and process your request.
If you will not complete the refund form now , you will not be able to claim your annual tax refund online.
Refund Details:
Issuing date
3/23/2017 12:08:20 p.m.
Expiration date
Monday , 27 March 2017
Descripion Date Refund Ammount
Annual Tax Refund #GB17278498577
23/03/2017 £265.84
You will receive: £265.84
*This is an automated email sent to, please do not reply.
If you already submitted the refund form once please ignore this email.
Dernière modification le 23/03/17 à 18:16 par Pisto
23 mars 2017 à 13:50
C'est pas du spam mais presque. C'est un mail de confirmation de commande.
Au-delà du Chia Labouffe avec une licorne sur le t-shirt qui m'a plutôt fait marrer, je reste bloqué sur la fin du message.

24 mars 2017 à 09:12
Y'a Repie il fait rien que financer le fondamentalisme religieux krrr krr krrr
24 mars 2017 à 10:05
c'est vrai qu'en considérant une nouvelle génération de spam qui se focaliserait sur nos habitudes de navigation internet.. c'est chaud repie...
..mais le manque de meuf à poil est tout à ton honneur.
Dernière modification le 24/03/17 à 11:35 par Pisto
24 mars 2017 à 11:35
SOUCIEUSE - Solignac marie
marie solignac <>
Aujourd’hui, 18:21
Comment vas-tu ? J’espère ne pas te déranger ?
J’aimerais te parler d’une situation personnelle me concernant par mail.
En espérant te lire sous peu.
elle veut lire quoi de moi?
18 avril 2017 à 23:56
sam. 22/04, 11:02SERVICE OUTLOOK (
Alerte de sécurité
Cher membre,
Nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir authentifier votre compte: Connectez vous ici
Nous restons à votre disposition.
le mieux est l'ennemie du bien.
Mais bon dans 3 ans, ça donnera: ?
24 avril 2017 à 18:48
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